David Grande

David Grande
  • Associate Professor of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine
  • Associate Professor of Health Care Management, The Wharton School

Contact Information


David Grande, MD, MPA is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Director of Policy at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics. His research focuses on health care for vulnerable populations with an emphasis on identifying and overcoming barriers to care. He also studies ethical issues related to marketing in health care and digital health information privacy. He received his MD at the Ohio State University and trained in internal medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He completed a Masters in Public Affairs (MPA) at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University and was a Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Current Courses

  • HCMG1010 - Health Care Systems

    This introductory course takes a policy and politics angle to health care's three persistent issues - access, cost and quality. The roles of patients, physicians, hospitals, insurers, and pharmaceutical companies will be established. The interaction between the government and these different groups will also be covered. Current national health care policy initiatives and the interests of class members will steer the specific topics covered in the course. The course aims to provide skills for critical and analytical thought about the U.S. health care system and the people in it.

    HCMG1010001 ( Syllabus )

Past Courses

  • HCMG1010 - Health Care Systems

    This introductory course takes a policy and politics angle to health care's three persistent issues - access, cost and quality. The roles of patients, physicians, hospitals, insurers, and pharmaceutical companies will be established. The interaction between the government and these different groups will also be covered. Current national health care policy initiatives and the interests of class members will steer the specific topics covered in the course. The course aims to provide skills for critical and analytical thought about the U.S. health care system and the people in it.

  • HPR6060 - Fund Hlth Pol

    While academic researchers often think of health policy in terms of research evidence and outcomes, politics and political processes also pla y important roles. The purpose of this course is to provide those pursuing careers in health services research and health policy with an understanding of the political context from which U.S. health policy emerges. This understanding is important for researchers who hope to ask and answer questions relevant to health policy and position their findings for policy translation. This understanding is important as well to policy leaders seeking to use evidence to create change. The class provides an overview of the U.S. health care system and then moves on to more comprehensive understanding of politics and government, including the economics of the public sector, the nature of persuasion, and techniques and formats for communication. The course emphasizes reading, discussion and applied policy analysis skills in both wirtten and oral forms. Concepts will be reinforced with case studies, written assignments and a final policy simulation exercise where students will be placed in the position of political advisors and policy researchers. Prerequisite: Permission needed from Instructor.

  • HPR6700 - Health Care Leadership

    The weeklong intensive course aims at developing essential business acumen and leadership skills required to thrive in a constantly changing health care ecosystem. Taught by invited faculty who have experience working with health care leaders, this course will focus on actionable knowledge in financial acumen, strategic decision making, innovation and building high-performance teams. Through interactive mixed-mode delivery methods, faculty will share tools and frameworks, always with a focus on how to apply them, both personally and within an organizational context. Prerequisite: Permission needed from Instructor.

  • HPR9900 - Hpr Thesis I

    Each student completes a mentored research project that includes a thesis proposal and a thesis committee and results in a publishable scholarly product. Prerequisite: Course only open to Masters of Science in Health Policy Research students.

  • HPR9901 - Hpr Thesis II

    Each student completes a mentored research project that includes a thesis proposal and a thesis committee and results in a publishable scholarly product. Prerequisite: Course only open to Masters of Science in Health Policy Research students.

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Ravi Gupta, Raghuram Iyengar, Meghana Sharma, Carolyn C Cannuscio, Raina M. Merchant, David A. Asch, Nandita Mitra, David Grande (2023), Consumer Views on Privacy Protections and Sharing of Personal Digital Health Information, JAMA Network Open, 6 ().
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