Mingyao Li

Mingyao Li
  • Professor of Biostatistics
  • Professor of Statistics and Data Science

Contact Information

  • office Address:

    213 Blockley Hall,
    423 Guardian Drive,
    Philadelphia, PA 19104



Current Courses

  • BSTA7870 - Methods For Statistical Genetics And Genomics In Complex Human Disease

    This is an advanced elective course for graduate students in Biostatistics, Statistics, Epidemiology, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and other BGS disciplines. This course will cover statistical methods for the analysis of genetics and genomics data. Topics covered will include genetic linkage and association analysis, analysis of next-generation sequencing data, including those generated from DNA sequencing and RNA sequencing experiments. Students will be exposed to the latest statistical methodology and computer tools on genetic and genomic data analysis. They will also read and evaluate current statistical genetics and genomics literature. Prerequisite: If course requirements not met, permission of instructor required.


Past Courses

  • AMCS5999 - Independent Study

    Independent Study allows students to pursue academic interests not available in regularly offered courses. Students must consult with their academic advisor to formulate a project directly related to the student’s research interests. All independent study courses are subject to the approval of the AMCS Graduate Group Chair.

  • AMCS9999 - Ind Study & Research

    Study under the direction of a faculty member.

  • BIOL9999 - Independent Study

    Advanced laboratory reserach with a member of the Biology Graduate Group.

  • BSTA6990 - Lab Rotation

    Student lab rotation.

  • BSTA7870 - Stat Genetics/Hum Dis

    This is an advanced elective course for graduate students in Biostatistics, Statistics, Epidemiology, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and other BGS disciplines. This course will cover statistical methods for the analysis of genetics and genomics data. Topics covered will include genetic linkage and association analysis, analysis of next-generation sequencing data, including those generated from DNA sequencing and RNA sequencing experiments. Students will be exposed to the latest statistical methodology and computer tools on genetic and genomic data analysis. They will also read and evaluate current statistical genetics and genomics literature. Prerequisite: If course requirements not met, permission of instructor required.

  • BSTA7980 - Advanced Topics in Biostats

    This course is designed for second-year PhD students in Biostatistics. The goal is to provide an in-depth exploration of special topics within the field of biostatistics. The course covers a range of advanced statistical methods and their applications in various biostatistical domains, including clinical trials, causal inference, survival analysis, genetics and genomics, neuroimaging, and health informatics. The course emphasizes the unique aspects of these topics and their significance in biomedical research and public health. Throughout the course, ten faculty members will deliver presentations, each focusing on a special topic.

  • BSTA8990 - Pre-Dissertation Lab Rot

  • BSTA9200 - Tutorial: Research

  • BSTA9950 - Dissertation

    Ph.D. students enroll in this course after passing their candidacy exam. They work on their dissertation full-time under the guidance of their dissertation supervisor and other members of their dissertation committee.

  • EPID6220 - App Reg/Categorical Data

    This course will provide in-depth treatment of several topics in categorical data analysis. After a brief review of methods for contingency tables, we will introduce the idea of generalized linear models, and focus on two special cases – multiple logistic regression and log-linear models. Each topic will be presented in detail by stating the model and covering parameter estimation and interpretation, inference, model building, regression diagnostics, and assessment of model fit. Finally, we will cover extensions to both models, including models for multinomial data, analysis of matched-pair data, and random effects models. Topics will be illustrated in class with examples, and we will discuss the use of Stata to conduct the analyses. Offered first half of fall term.

  • GCB6990 - Lab Rotation

    Lab rotation

  • GCB8990 - Pre-Dissertation Research

    Pre-dissertation lab research

  • GCB9950 - Dissertation

    Ph.D. students enroll in this course after passing their candidacy exam. They work on their dissertation full-time under the guidance of their dissertation supervisor and other members of their dissertation committee.


Latest Research

Diana Pauly, Divyansh Agarwal, Nicholas Dana, Nicole Schafer, Josef Biber, Kirsten A. Wunderlich, Yassin Jabri, Tobias Straub, Nancy Zhang, Avneesh K. Gautam, Bernhard H.F. Weber, Stefanie M. Hauck, Mijin Kim, Christine A. Curcio, Dwight Stambolian, Mingyao Li, Antje Grosch (2019), Cell-Type-Specific Complement Expression in the Healthy and Diseased Retina, Cell Reports, 29 (9), pp. 2835-2848.
All Research

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