631 Jon M. Huntsman Hall
3730 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Research Interests: law and entrepreneurship; talent rights in the gig economy; lending and fintech regulation; smart-contract roles in risk-mitigation; restructuring and bankruptcy
Links: Personal Website, Video of Mortgage Foreclosure Defense, Syllabus Spring 2020, LGST 213 2018 Student Comments
JD, Columbia University School of Law, 1989; MA, Arabic Language and Literature, Columbia University Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, 1986; BA Barnard College, Columbia University, 1984.
Professional Positions Held
Law Firms: Managing Partner, E. Carolyn Hochstadter Dicker, LLC, 2007-present; Of Counsel, Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Branzburg & Ellers, LLP, 1999-2007; LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, LLP, 1989-1999.
Arbitrator, Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Arbitration Center, January 2017-present.
WBE (Woman Owned Business Enterprise) and WOSB (Woman Owned Small Business), WBENC (Women’s Business Enterprise National Council), 2008-present; City of Philadelphia Office of Economic Opportunity, 2010-present.
Professional Leadership and Alliances
Board Member, Women Owned Law; Executive Board, Philadelphia Israel Chamber of Commerce; Member, French American Chamber of Commerce.
Public Sector Leadership
Former President, Current Board member, Lechu Neranena; Chair, Philadelphia Chapter, Board member, JOFA, Editorial Board, JOFA Journal; Board of Trustees, Federation of Greater Philadelphia and Kohelet Yeshiva.
Pro Bono
Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Pilot Program, Philadelphia, 2008-present; Consumer Bankruptcy Assistance Project, Philadelphia, 2009-present; Judge National Finals of The ABA Law Student Negotiation Competition, 2007.
Speaking Engagements: Upcoming and Recent
Key Legal Concerns Facing Entrepreneurs in the Digital Age, Jenkins Law Library, Philadelphia, March 4, 2020
Legal Aspects of HealthTech Entrepreneurship, Women In Tech Meet-up, Google Tel Aviv, January 13, 2020
Legal Aspects of HealthTech Entrepreneurship, IDC, Herzelia, Tel Aviv, January 13, 2020
Start-ups in the Fashion World, From The Theoretical to Practical, Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design, Jerusalem, January 6, 2020
IP and the Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship, Yeshiva University’s Innovation Lab, New York, November 4, 2019
Beyond Barnard: Advancing and Supporting the Careers of Women, Philadelphia, May 1, 2019
Critical Legal Concerns Facing Entrepreneurs In the International Arena, The Joseph A. Lauder Institute, University of Pennsylvania, April 9, 2019
Tips for Client Management of Financial Distress Issues: How can you help your business and individual clients who find themselves at risk? Women Owned Law, December 7, 2018
International and Foreign Business Law with co-panelists, David Zaring, Wharton Legal Studies Department and James McGann, University of Pennsylvania Lauder Institute, Wharton Business Law Association, December 7, 2017, https://www.facebook.com/events/953902278090978/
Critical Legal Concerns Facing Entrepreneurs, Jenkins Law Library, Philadelphia, November 2017, https://www.jenkinslaw.org/cle/classes/critical-legal-concerns-facing-entrepreneurs.
Getting the Work Done – Making the Most of a Virtual Office, Women Owned Law Virtual Speaker Series, October 10, 2017.
SharpHeels Career Advancement Summit: Overcoming Career Obstacles, Philadelphia August 2017.
Office Space, Budgets and Loans: Considerations when Starting Your Own Practice, Philadelphia Bar Association Solo, Small, and Mid-Size Management Committee Program, June 2017, http://www.philadelphiabar.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/PBAReadOnly.woa/wa/eventNotification?style=1&eventID=0226L.
Establishing a Business in the U.S.: How to Qualify for Investor Visas and Green Cards, Panelist with D. Nachman, Esquire and Jean-David Cohen, Business Planner, Paris May 2017.
Penetrating the U.S. Start-Up Market, Presentation to Hungarian Trade Delegation to Axis Tel Aviv International Start-Up Conference, Tel Aviv March 2017.
Moderator, We Can Do It! Advocating For Change Within The Israeli Legal System, JOFA Conference, January 15, 2017.
Panelist, Halacha (Jewish Law) and Community Inclusion, National Museum of American Jewish History, Feb. 2016.
Legal Challenges of Early Stage Startups, Innovation Engagement Speaker Series, Thomas Jefferson University, November 2015; https://www.jenkinslaw.org/classes/legal-aspects-entrepreneurship-survey-basic-start-issues
Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship: A Survey of Basic Start-up Issues, Jenkins Law Library, Philadelphia, October 2015; http://innovation.jefferson.edu/programs-events/speaker-series.html
Moderator, Law for Entrepreneurs, Wharton Business and Law Association Second Annual Conference, February 7, 2014.
Moderator, How to Talk So Your Rabbi Will Listen and Listen So Your Rabbi Will Talk, JOFA Conference, December 8, 2013.
Wharton Business Law Association, Hillel – University of Pennsylvania, Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship: Practical Tips and Tools, Fall 2013.
E. Carolyn Hochstadter Dicker (with Rabbi M. Stein, B.A. Fein), When the Gelt is Gone: Bankruptcy and Foreclosure in Jewish and American Law, Gratz College, August, 2011.
E. Carolyn Hochstadter Dicker (with M. Soboleski), Bankruptcy Basics for 2011, Jenkins Law Library, Philadelphia June, 2011.
Flyer-black and white SUPER 3D-edited FINAL
Lecturer in Law, Wharton, 2012-present, course: The Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship
Faculty Advisor to the Wharton Business and Law Association
Mentor: Lawyer/Entrepreneur: Penn Wharton Entrepreneurship, WeissFund
This practically oriented course examines the critical legal issues confronting start-ups with a focus on innovation and disruption. Cutting edge topics include blockchain, fintech, AI, digital and mobile based issues. Students will learn to use the law to manage risk, deploy resources and maximize value. The course covers the entire lifecycle of a business, including confidentiality, non-competition and invention assignment clauses, intellectual property (IP) including patent, trade secrets, copyrights and trademarks, tax advantages of limited liability companies (LLC) vs. corporations or partnerships, securities law strategy for raising angel financing, convertible debt and venture capital (covering SAFEs and KISSes), independent contractor vs. employee concerns, discrimination laws, merger and acquisition exit plans, as well as restructuring and bankruptcy. Students will emerge from the course with the skills and tools to draft term sheets and contracts, negotiate deals tailored to their business models, as well as mitigate liability via risk-protective policies, insurance and management of litigation.
Wharton’s Cait Lamberton breaks down the demise of fabric and crafts chain Joann and why it’s so challenging for legacy brands to stay solvent.…Read More
Knowledge @ Wharton - 2025/03/18