Daniel A Levinthal

Daniel A Levinthal
  • Reginald H. Jones Professor of Corporate Strategy
  • Professor of Management

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    3209 SH-DH
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    Philadelphia, PA 19104

Research Interests: industry evolution, organizational learning, technological competition

Links: CV, Google Scholar


Daniel Levinthal is the Reginald H. Jones Professor of Corporate Strategy at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Dan Levinthal has published extensively on questions of organizational adaptation and industry evolution, particularly in the context of technological change. He is a Fellow of the Strategic Management Society, the Academy of Management and the Academy of International Business. In addition, he is a past winner of the Strategic Management Society’s Best Paper prize and has received the Distinguished Scholar from the Organization and Management Theory Division of the Academy, the Strategic Management Division of the Academy and the Technology Innovation Management Division, as well as the Outstanding Educator Award from the Business Policy Division of the Academy. He has served as the Editor-in-Chief of Strategy Science and Organization Science, and as the Department Editor for Business Strategy for Management Science. He has received honorary doctorates from the University of Southern Denmark, Tilburg University, the University of Warwick and the London Business School and has held visiting professorships at the Harvard Business School (Bower Fellow), the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, University of Pisa (Philip Morris Visiting Professor), and the University of New South Wales (Michael Crouch Visiting Professor).

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  • Daniel A Levinthal and Daniel Schliesmann (2024), Cautious Exploitation: Learning and Search in Problems of Evaluation and Discovery, Organization Science. Abstract

    Underlying the macrophenomenon of organizational search lie two central mechanisms: belief updating and explicit strategies of exploration/exploitation. We find that slow learning with respect to belief updating, in conjunction with a strategy of exploration/exploitation heavily tilted toward exploitation, leads to an effective process of organizational adaptation in a wide variety of settings. This joint search strategy can be thought of as “cautious exploitation.” Belief updating proves to be a more effective catalyst to search, facilitating both the process of discovery of alternatives and persistence in favorable alternatives, than an explicit strategy of exploration. However, it is important to consider the boundary conditions around this finding. Problems of search differ in important respects: from settings that are primarily problems of discovery where the critical challenge is identifying a promising alternative, but its promise is self-evident once identified, to problems of evaluation where assessing the merit of alternatives that are identified is itself a challenge. We find that our conventional wisdom about the role of explicit strategies of exploration holds in settings that are primarily problems of discovery. However, when the evaluation of alternatives is problematic and assessed through experience with a given alternative, we find that the macrophenomenon of effective organizational search is best realized with slow rates of belief updating in conjunction with an explicit strategy of exploration/exploitation that is tilted to be highly exploitative.

  • Daniel A Levinthal and Dong Nghi Pham (2024), Bringing politics back in: The role of politics and coalitions in organizational adaptation, Organization Science, (forthcoming) (). Abstract

    The discussions of organizational politics and processes of organizational adaptation have developed as largely independent streams of work. However, we suggest that organizational politics—in particular, the power dynamics of the dominant coalition—can be a driver for patterns of both “continuity and change” within organizations. Continuity is maintained by two inertial forces. First, a corporate strategy that conforms to the interest of the dominant coalition will tend to reinforce the power of that dominant coalition—an entrenchment effect. Second, even organizational units that were not initially part of the dominant coalition adapt their policies to that corporate strategy and, as a consequence, may come to support this status quo strategy. However, the political dynamics within the organization can also facilitate strategic change because shifts in the environment can alter the power structure of the organization, resulting in a new dominant coalition with a different agenda. The underlying basis is that organizations are multilevel systems in which subunits adapt to the organization’s strategy, and that strategy, in turn, adapts to the subunits’ current policies. We find that a self-interested political process can help “unfreeze” the alignment between subunit policies and an organization’s strategy in a changing environment, facilitating a more timely adaptive response than a strategy process based on the perceived collective interest of the organization as a whole. However, under high levels of goal conflict among subunits, coalitional power inhibits, rather than facilitates, adaptive change because of the entrenchment effect of power.

  • Daniel A Levinthal and Daniel A. Newark (2023), Putting the individual in the context of the organization: A Carnegie perspective on decision-making, Frontiers of Psychology, 14 (). Abstract

    The majority of decision research portrays decision-makers as largely decontextualized, separate from the institutional and social factors that influence their choosing. On the occasions when context is considered, it is rarely organizational, despite the prominence of organizations in people’s lives. By contrast, the Carnegie perspective on decision-making emphasizes context, particularly that of organizations, as a central concern. We develop this contrast by first reviewing the limited role of context in neoclassical economic and psychological depictions of choice. Next, we present key elements of the organizational decision context in the Carnegie perspective: decision premises, standard operating procedures and decision rules, organizational structures, learning environments, and identity–situation interaction. We then consider the importance of interpretation to decision-making in context. In particular, rather than being given and clear, the meaning of decision context is often ambiguous and must be interpreted or constructed. The Carnegie perspective underscores the importance of this interpretive process to both decision-making and everyday life. We conclude by considering aspects of context that merit greater examination, as well as the implications for behavioral theorizing of acknowledging the contextualized nature of action.

  • Jaeho Choi and Daniel A Levinthal (2023), Wisdom in the wild: Generalization and adaptive dynamics, Organization Science, 34 (3), pp. 1073-1089. Abstract

    Learning from experience is a central mechanism underlying organizational capabilities. However, in examining how organizations learn from past experiences, much of the literature has focused on situations in which actors are facing a repeated event. We direct attention to a relatively under-examined question: when an organization experiences a largely idiosyncratic series of events, at what level of granularity should these events, and the associated actions and outcomes, be encoded? How does generalizing from experience impact the wisdom of future choices and what are the boundary conditions, or factors that might mitigate the degree of desired generalization? To address these questions, we develop a computational model that incorporates how characteristics of opportunities (cf., acquisition candidates, new investments, product development) might be encoded so that experiential learning is possible even when the organization’s experience is a series of unique events. Our results highlight the power of learning through generalization in a world of novelty, as well as the features of the problem environment that reduce this “power.”

  • Ozgecan Kocak, Daniel A Levinthal, Phanish Puranam (2023), The dual challenge of search and coordination for organizational adaptation: How structures of influence matter, Organization Science, 34 (2), pp. 851-869. Abstract

    Organizations increasingly need to adapt to challenges in which search and coordination cannot be decoupled. In response, many have experimented with “agile” and “flat” designs that dismantle traditional forms of hierarchy to harness the distributed knowledge of specialized individuals. Despite the popularity of such practices, there is considerable variation in their implementation as well as conceptual ambiguity about the underlying premise. Does effective rapid experimentation necessarily imply the repudiation of hierarchical structures of influence? We use computational models of multiagent reinforcement learning to study the effectiveness of coordinated search in groups that vary in how they influence each other’s beliefs. We compare the behavior of flat and hierarchical teams with a baseline structure without any influence on beliefs (a “crowd”) when all three are placed in the same task environments. We find that influence on beliefs—whether it is hierarchical or not—makes it less likely that agents stabilize prematurely around their own experiences. However, flat teams can engage in excessive exploration, finding it difficult to converge on good alternatives, whereas hierarchical influence on beliefs reduces simultaneous uncoordinated exploration, introducing a degree of rapid exploitation. As a result, teams that need to achieve agility (i.e., rapid satisfactory results) in environments that require coordinated search may benefit from a hierarchical structure of influence—even when the apex actor has no superior knowledge, foresight, or capacity to control subordinates’ actions.

  • Daniel A Levinthal (2021), From Arms to Trees: Opportunity Costs and Path-Dependence and the Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoff, Strategy Science, 6 (4), pp. 331-337. Abstract

    The literature on the exploration-exploitation tradeoff has anchored on the n-armed bandit problem as its canonical formal representation. This structure, however, omits a fundamental property of evolutionary dynamics. Contrary to a bandit formulation, foregoing an opportunity may negate the possibility of engaging in that opportunity in the future — not just modifying the beliefs about the attractiveness of engaging in that opportunity. Thus, the bandit structure only incorporates path-dependence with respect to beliefs, and not with regard to capabilities as our usual conceptions of dynamics of learning and capabilities would suggest. Further, the consideration of opportunity cost is rather static and does not address the dynamic unfolding of opportunity structures. The nature of path-dependence and opportunity costs are used to frame many of our existing conceptualizations of search processes and firm dynamics, including bandit models, real options, pivoting, the “secretary problem”, and “island” models of firm diversification. The discussion points to the need to develop canonical models of what evolutionary biologists’ term phylogenetic trees and opens up a set of new questions, such as what is the degree of parallelism of trajectories that is possible within an organization, what is the fecundity of different trajectories in terms of likelihood of branching possibilities arising, how are these latent branching opportunities accessed?

  • Daniel A Levinthal (2021), Evolutionary Processes and Organizational Adaptation: A Mendelian Perspective on Strategic Management, Oxford University Press. Abstract

    Strategists are encouraged to identify sustained competitive advantages. This volume takes a different tact and provides a perspective on how organizations adapt over time to changing circumstances. This process is characterized as not driven by the inspired wisdom of a grand strategist, but by an ecology of initiatives within the organization. A central role of the organization is to mediate between the market forces in which it operates and the culling and amplification of these initiatives within the organization. In this spirit, a useful touchstone is that of Mendel, who sits intermediate between the blind watchmaker of a purely Darwinian process and a “chess master” strategist as suggested by stylized rational choice approaches. The “Mendelian executive” operates with intentionality, but this intentionality is with respect to the design of the experimental process rather than the identification of specific pathways forward. The two core conceptual pillars of the work are that of path-dependence, what are the adjacent “spaces” to which an organization might move, and “artificial selection,” how the organization mediates aggregate immediate outcomes and the allocation of resources and rewards to the various initiatives and actors within the organization. Entities that have a sustained lifespan are not static, but engage in processes of renewal, whether cells in the human body or lines of business within a firm. A conceptual framework is provided to illuminate some of the fundamental mechanisms underlying this process.

  • Daniel A Levinthal and C. Rerup (2021), The Plural of Goal: Learning in a World of Ambiguity, Organization Science, 32 (3), pp. 527-543. Abstract

    In the Carnegie School tradition of experiential learning, learning processes are driven by the encoding of performance outcomes as a success or failure relative to a goal. We expand this line of inquiry by highlighting how conflicting and thus ambiguous outcomes across multiple goals make interpretation a critical aspect of organizational learning processes. In early work in the Carnegie tradition, interpretation played a role in the demarcation between what constituted success or failure on a given outcome metric. However, in March’s latter writings, learning and decision making produce an arena or even an opportunity for generating interpretations and broader meanings regarding roles, values, and identities. We explore how the two interpretive approaches in March’s work play out across three modes of responses to ambiguity. First, the process of self-enhancement whereby participants interpret conflictual outcomes so that they, the participants, appear in a positive light. Second, an explicit political process regarding the contestation of how to interpret conflicting outcomes. Third, from the perspective of the organizations’ literature on wisdom, participants may embrace ambiguity either to enhance learning or simply to enrich individuals’ interpretation of their experiences. Although these three modes of response do not offer a complete set of responses for learning in a world of ambiguity, they constitute valuable touchstones for the perspective we wish to put forward and, collectively, help enrich our understanding of the role of learning, ambiguity and interpretation within the Carnegie School.

  • Daniel A Levinthal and Andrea Contigiani (2018), Situating the Construct of Lean Startup: Adjacent “Conversations” and Possible Future Directions, Industrial and Corporate Change.
  • Daniel A Levinthal (2017), Mendel in the C-Suite: Design and the evolution of strategies, Strategy Science, 2 (4), pp. 282-287. Abstract

    A “Mendelian” executive is proposed as an image of strategy making that lies intermediate between the godlike powers of intentional design of rational choice approaches and a Darwinian process of random variation and market-based differential selection. The Mendelian executive is capable of intentional design efforts in order to explore possible adjacent strategic spaces. Furthermore, the argument developed here highlights the role of intentionality with respect to the selection and culling of strategic initiatives. The firm is viewed as operating an “artificial selection” environment in contrast to selection as the direct consequence of the outcome of competitive processes. Examining the nature of the processes generating these experimental variants and the bases of internal selection, and how these selection criteria may themselves change, is argued to be central to the formation of strategy in dynamic competitive environments.

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Current Courses

  • MGMT9150 - Seminar In Organizational Learning

    This course examines processes of organizational learning. Learning, changing beliefs and efficacy in action, may be linked measures of progress and performance but presents a number of challenges. Performance is not always readily interpreted and the link between the actions an organization takes and proximate observable outcomes is often unclear and these measures may be loosely coupled to ultimate goals and interests. Organizations help facilitate coordinated actions among individuals and the outcomes that are realized by the organization are a function of those joint actions. However, these properties pose challenges for inferences around more or less desired action at both the individual and collective level, as well as divergent views as to what is in the individual and collective interest. Even if the organization does not face a conflict of interest among organizational members, it still faces a tension between the need to perform well in the near term, and exploit its current knowledge and bases of advantage, and to perform well over longer horizons, which may entail exploring other bases of action with which it is less familiar and perhaps less competent. However, performance itself can be a problematic construct --- different actors within the organization may have different views as to what goals or outcomes or more or less important, and even individual actors may face some degree of internal conflict over these issues. The contestation of goals and policy can take the form of organizational politics, where power, attention, and force of argument influence the playing out of this conflict. The last theme we consider is the challenge by which individual opinions and beliefs become aggregated to organizational level decisions and some of the learning challenges that this process of aggregation presents.

    MGMT9150002 ( Syllabus )

Past Courses

  • MGMT6110 - Managing Est Enterprise

    This course is about managing large enterprises that face the strategic challenge of being the incumbent in the market and the organizational challenge of needing to balance the forces of inertia and change. The firms of interest in this course tend to operate in a wide range of markets and segments, frequently on a global basis, and need to constantly deploy their resources to fend off challenges from new entrants and technologies that threaten their established positions. The class is organized around three distinct but related topics that managers of established firms must consider: strategy, human and social capital, and global strategy.

  • MGMT7980 - Managing and Motivating

    People are the most valuable asset of any business, but they are also the most unpredictable, and the most difficult, asset to manage. And although managing people well is critical to the health of any organization, most managers don't get the training they need to make good management decisions. Now, award-winning authors and renowned management Professors Mike Useem and Peter Cappelli of the Wharton School have designed this course to introduce you to the key elements of managing people. Based on their popular course at Wharton, this course will teach you how to motivate individual performance and design reward systems, how to design jobs and organize work for high performance, how to make good and timely management decisions, and how to design and change the your organization's architecture. By the end of this course, you'll have developed the skills you need to start motivating, organizing, and rewarding people in your organization so that you can thrive as a business and as a social organization. This course can also only be applied towards unrestricted electives at the undergraduate level.

  • MGMT9000 - Sem Strat Mgmt

    This course examines some of the central questions in management with economic approaches as a starting point, but with an eye to links to behavioral perspectives on these same questions. Economics concerns itself with goal directed behavior of individuals interacting in a competitive context. We adopt that general orientation but recognize that goal directed action need not take the form of maximizing behavior, particularly for organizations comprised of individuals with possibly divergent interests and distinct sub-goals. Further, we treat competitive processes as playing out over meaningful periods of calendar time and, in general, not equilibrating instantaneously. A central property of firms, as with any organization, is the interdependent nature of activity within them. Thus, understanding firms as "systems" is quite important, a perspective which has important implications for understanding processes of organizational adaptation. Among the sorts of questions we explore are the following: What underlies a firm's capabilities? How does individual knowledge aggregate to form collective capabilities? What do these perspectives on firms say about the scope of a firm's activities, both horizontally (diversification) and vertically (buy-supply relationships)? As a "foundations" course, readings will cover key conceptual foundations, but also provide an arc to current work --- an "arc" that will be developed more fully in our in-class discussions.

  • MGMT9150 - Seminar in Org Learning

    This course examines processes of organizational learning. Learning, changing beliefs and efficacy in action, may be linked measures of progress and performance but presents a number of challenges. Performance is not always readily interpreted and the link between the actions an organization takes and proximate observable outcomes is often unclear and these measures may be loosely coupled to ultimate goals and interests. Organizations help facilitate coordinated actions among individuals and the outcomes that are realized by the organization are a function of those joint actions. However, these properties pose challenges for inferences around more or less desired action at both the individual and collective level, as well as divergent views as to what is in the individual and collective interest. Even if the organization does not face a conflict of interest among organizational members, it still faces a tension between the need to perform well in the near term, and exploit its current knowledge and bases of advantage, and to perform well over longer horizons, which may entail exploring other bases of action with which it is less familiar and perhaps less competent. However, performance itself can be a problematic construct --- different actors within the organization may have different views as to what goals or outcomes or more or less important, and even individual actors may face some degree of internal conflict over these issues. The contestation of goals and policy can take the form of organizational politics, where power, attention, and force of argument influence the playing out of this conflict. The last theme we consider is the challenge by which individual opinions and beliefs become aggregated to organizational level decisions and some of the learning challenges that this process of aggregation presents.

  • MGMT9350 - Netwrk Theory & Applicat

    This course explores network models and their applications to organizational phenomena. By examining the structure of relations among actors, network approaches seek to explain variations in beliefs, behaviors, and outcomes. The beauty of network analysis is its underlying mathematical nature - network ideas and measures, in some cases, apply equally well at micro and macro levels of analysis. Therefore, we read and discuss articles both at the micro level (where the network actors are individuals within organizations) and at the macro level (where the network actors are organizations within larger communities) that utilize antecedents or consequences of network constructs such as small worlds, cohesion, structural equivalence, centrality, and autonomy. We begin by examining the classic problem of contagion of information and behaviors across networks, and follow by considering the various underlying models of network structure that might underlie contagion and other processes The next two sessions address a variety of mechanisms by which an actor's position in a network affects its behavior or performance. Then, the following two sessions address antecedents of network ties via the topics of network evolution and network activation. We close with a "grab bag" session of articles chosen to match class interests.

Awards And Honors

  • Distinguished Scholar Award, Technology & Innovation Management Division, Academy of Management, 2024
  • Honored faculty, Consortium for Competitiveness and Cooperation, University of St. Gallen, 2023
  • Distinguished Scholar Award, Strategic Management Division, Academy of Management, 2022
  • Honorary Professor, Department of Business and Management LUISS University, 2020
  • Academy of International Business, Distinguished School Award, 2019
  • Honorary Doctorate, London Business School, 2019
  • Honorary Doctorate, Warwick University, 2017
  • Irwin Award as Distinguished Educator, Business Policy Division of the Academy of Management, 2015
  • Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Studies, HKUST, 2015
  • Honorary Doctorate, Tilburg University, 2014
  • Fellow of the Strategic Management Society, 2011
  • Honorary Doctorate, University of Southern Denmark, 2010
  • Distinguished Scholar Award, Organizational and Management Theory, Academy of Management, 2010
  • Fellow of the Academy of Management, 2010

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Distinguished Scholar Award, Technology & Innovation Management Division, Academy of Management 2024
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