Natasha Trollen

Natasha Trollen
  • Administrative Assistant

Contact Information

  • office Address:

    3620 Locust Walk
    1300 SHDH
    Philadelphia, PA 19104

Awards And Honors

  • George James Doctoral Fellowship, 2018, 2019
  • George James Doctoral Fellowship, 2018, 2019
  • , 2018 Description

    Winner of Emerging Scholar Award, Carnegie Mellon Accounting Mini-Conference, 2016

    Teaching Award for Exceptional Service to Executive MBA Program, University of Chicago, 2015

    Ellis Bonoff Kohs Award for Orchestral Excellence, University of Chicago, 2014

    First Place Winner of University of Chicago Biennial Concerto Competition, 2014

    Ernest R. Wish Ph.D. Fellowship, University of Chicago, 2012

    Angell Scholar, University of Michigan, 2012

  • Angell Scholar, University of Michigan, 2012, 2018
  • Ernest R. Wish Ph.D. Fellowship, University of Chicago, 2012, 2018
  • First Place Winner of University of Chicago Biennial Concerto Competition, 2014, 2018
  • Ellis Bonoff Kohs Award for Orchestral Excellence, University of Chicago, 2014, 2018
  • Teaching Award for Exceptional Service to Executive MBA Program, University of Chicago, 2015, 2018
  • Winner of Emerging Scholar Award, Carnegie Mellon Accounting Mini-Conference, 2016, 2018
  • Winner of Emerging Scholar Award, Carnegie Mellon Accounting Mini-Conference, 2016, 2018
  • Winner of Emerging Scholar Award, Carnegie Mellon Accounting Mini-Conference, 2016, 2018


In the News

AI Chat Bots Can Be Your… Companions? New Wharton Research Dives Into How AI Can Combat Loneliness

Wharton marketing professor discusses his new research on how AI can bridge emotional gaps for consumers struggling with loneliness.Read More

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All News

Awards and Honors

George James Doctoral Fellowship, 2018 2019
All Awards