Winston Lin

Winston Lin
  • Senior Lecturer in Statistics and Data Science

Contact Information

  • office Address:

    435 Academic Research Building
    265 South 37th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19104

Research Interests: causal inference, social program evaluation

Links: Personal Website


Current Courses

  • STAT1028 - Introductory Business Statistics (honors)

    The STAT 1028 honors section covers many of the same topics as STAT 1020 (such as multiple linear and logistic regression) and is designed for students who have studied calculus and are seeking a class with mathematical content. The class will assume good command of the material in MATH 1400 as a prerequisite. Although multivariable calculus is not a formal prerequisite, concurrent enrollment in MATH 1410 or MATH 1610 may be a good choice for first- or second-year students who are interested in developing firm foundations for the more mathematical statistics classes. STAT 1028 is particularly recommended for those considering a statistics and data science concentration or minor.

    STAT1028001 ( Syllabus )

    STAT1028002 ( Syllabus )

Past Courses

  • STAT1018 - Intro Business Stat

    The STAT 1018 honors section, which fulfills the STAT 1010 requirement offers an introduction to probability and statistics for students who have studied calculus and are seeking a class with mathematical content. The class will assume good command of the material in MATH 1400 as a prerequisite. Although multivariate calculus is not a formal prerequisite for the class concurrent enrollment in MATH 1410 or MATH 1610 may be a good choice for first or second year students who are interested in developing firm foundations for the more mathematical statistics classes. Stat 1018 is particularly recommended for those considering a statistics and data science concentration or minor.

  • STAT1028 - Intro Business Stat

    The STAT 1028 honors section covers many of the same topics as STAT 1020 (such as multiple linear and logistic regression) and is designed for students who have studied calculus and are seeking a class with mathematical content. The class will assume good command of the material in MATH 1400 as a prerequisite. Although multivariable calculus is not a formal prerequisite, concurrent enrollment in MATH 1410 or MATH 1610 may be a good choice for first- or second-year students who are interested in developing firm foundations for the more mathematical statistics classes. STAT 1028 is particularly recommended for those considering a statistics and data science concentration or minor.

  • STAT4300 - Probability

    Discrete and continuous sample spaces and probability; random variables, distributions, independence; expectation and generating functions; Markov chains and recurrence theory.

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