Risa Lavizzo-Mourey

Risa Lavizzo-Mourey
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Population Health and Health Equity Professor Emeritus

Contact Information


Past Courses

  • HCIN6160 - Advancing Health Equity

    Against a backdrop of policy experimentation and growing evidence of effective practices, this course explores the work of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in health care organizations, clinical spaces, and community settings. We survey the context of health disparities and health equity: definitions, the state of the evidence, and historical background. We examine opportunities and limitations of ADEI programs. You will learn evidence-based frameworks and techniques to promote sustainable implementation of new initiatives. And you will reflect on the personal and relational aspects of doing the work: learning to see inequity, interrogating our roles in existing power structures, and changing our perceptions of what types of change are feasible for ourselves and our institutions. Throughout this course, you will be asked to catalogue and analyze opportunities to advance equity in health and health care, so that you come away with a plan for an initiative that can be implemented in your professional context.

  • HCMG8990 - Independent Study

    Arranged with members of the Faculty of the Health Care Systems Department. For further information contact the Department office, Room 204, Colonial Penn Center, 3641 Locust Walk, 898-6861.

  • NURS9000 - Directed Study

    Must be arranged with the written permission of the sponsoring faculty member prior to registration.

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How COVID-19 Changed the World

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