Lauren Kaufmann

Lauren Kaufmann
  • PhD Student

Contact Information

  • office Address:

    Jon. M. Huntsman Hall, Suite 600
    3730 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Research Interests: business ethics, behavioral ethics, impact investing


Lauren Kaufmann is a doctoral candidate in Business Ethics and inaugural doctoral fellow at the Wharton Social Impact Initiative. Her research is in the area of behavioral ethics, social impact, and impact investing.

Her recent awards include the Mack Institute for Innovation Management Fellowship (2021), Russell Ackoff Doctoral Student Fellowship (2021), Institute for Humane Studies Grant (2019), Winkelman Fellowship in Applied Economics (2018), Connie Duckworth Fellowship (2017), Marc and Diane Spilker Corporate Governance Fellowship (2017-2021), Society for Business Ethics Founders’ Award (2017), George James Doctoral Fellowship (2017), and Class of 1939 Fellowship (2016-2018).

Lauren holds a BA from the University of Pennsylvania (summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa) and a MSc from the London School of Economics (with Distinction).

In Fall 2022, Lauren will join the Strategy, Ethics and Entrepreneurship Group at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia as an Assistant Professor of Business Administration.

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Past Courses

  • LGST1000 - Ethics & Social Resp

    This course explores business responsibility from rival theoretical and managerial perspectives. Its focus includes theories of ethics and their application to case studies in business. Topics include moral issues in advertising and sales; hiring and promotion; financial management; corporate pollution; product safety; and decision-making across borders and cultures.

  • MGMT1010 - Intro To Management

    We all spend much of our lives in organizations. Most of us are born in organizations, educated in organizations, and work in organizations. Organizations emerge because individuals can't (or don't want to) accomplish their goals alone. Management is the art and science of helping individuals achieve their goals together. Managers in an organization determine where their organization is going and how it gets there. More formally, managers formulate strategies and implement those strategies. This course provides a framework for understanding the opportunities and challenges involved in formulating and implementing strategies by taking a "system" view of organizations,which means that we examine multiple aspects of how managers address their environments, strategy, structure, culture, tasks, people, and outputs, and how managerial decisions made in these various domains interrelate. The course will help you to understand and analyze how managers can formulate and implement strategies effectively. It will be particularly valuable if you are interested in management consulting, investment analysis, or entrepreneurship - but it will help you to better understand and be a more effective contributor to any organizations you join, whether they are large, established firms or startups. This course must be taken for a grade.

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Latest Research

Lauren Kaufmann (2021), Feminist Epistemology and Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, In press ().
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