Jingxing (Rowena) Gan

Jingxing (Rowena) Gan
  • Doctoral Candidate

Contact Information

  • office Address:

    574 Jon M. Huntsman Hall
    3730 Walnut Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19104

Research Interests: service operations, strategic customers, finance-operations interface, Blockchain in supply chains, business model innovation

Links: CV


Rowena is a fifth-year Ph.D. Candidate in the Operations Management track, who is grateful to be co-advised by Prof. Noah Gans, Prof. Serguei Netessine and Prof. Gerry Tsoukalas. She is currently on the 2019-2020 job market.

Rowena develops stylized models using analytical and numerical tools to understand innovative business models in the context of operations management. Her research involves i) revenue management through pricing and inventory control; ii) the interactions between strategic agents; and iii) the design and evaluation of new business models based on i) and ii). In particular, her current research consists of two streams of work:

1) the design of an emerging fundraising method, Initial Coin Offerings (Finance-Operations Interface);

2) optimal airline overbooking policies under different compensation schemes (Service Operations).

Before joining Wharton, Rowena graduated from Duke University in 2015 with a BS in Mathematics (graduation with distinction in the major) and a minor in Music. She developed her interest in research when writing her undergraduate thesis under the supervision of Prof. Ezra Miller.

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  • Jingxing (Rowena) Gan, Gerry Tsoukalas, Serguei Netessine (Under Review), Financing Platforms with Cryptocurrency: Token Retention, Sales Commission, and ICO Caps. Abstract

    Centralized platforms (e.g., Uber) rely primarily on sales commission (aka, service fees) to generate revenues whereas decentralized blockchain-based startups (e.g., Filecoin) often forego these in favor of token retention. We show that both levers help to overcome moral hazard and incentivize platform building, but they aren’t perfect substitutes and imply a strategic trade-off: the commission approach generally leads to higher long-term profits for the platform founders, whereas token retention can lead to higher service levels, benefiting the service providers and users. Furthermore, the two levers also require different ICO designs when raising capital: commission works best when paired with uncapped ICOs (i.e., unlimited token supply) whereas token retention works best with capped ICOs under certain conditions. These findings offer some guidance and explanations for the operating and ICO design choices of decentralized platforms.

  • Jingxing (Rowena) Gan, Gerry Tsoukalas, Serguei Netessine (2020), Initial Coin Offerings, Speculation, and Asset Tokenization, Management Science, forthcoming. Abstract

    Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are an emerging form of fundraising for Blockchain-based startups. We examine how ICOs can be leveraged in the context of asset tokenization, whereby
    firms issue tokens backed by future assets (i.e., inventory) to finance growth. We (i) make suggestions on how to design such \asset-backed” ICOs—including optimal token
    floating and pricing for both utility and equity tokens (aka, Security Token Offerings, STOs)—taking into account moral hazard (cash diversion), product characteristics and customer demand uncertainty, (ii) make predictions on ICO success/failure, and (iii) discuss implications on rm operating strategy. We show that in unregulated environments, ICOs can lead to significant agency costs, underproduction, and loss of rm value. These inefficiencies, however, fade as product margins and demand characteristics (mean/variance) improve, and are less severe under equity (rather than utility) token issuance. Importantly, the advantage of equity tokens stems from their inherent ability to better align incentives, and thus continues to hold even absent regulation.

    2019 INFORMS Section on Finance Best Student Paper Award Honorable Mention
  • Jingxing (Rowena) Gan, Noah Gans, Gerry Tsoukalas (Under Revision), Overbooking with Endogenous Demand. Abstract

    Using airlines as a backdrop, we study optimal overbooking policies with endogenous customer demand, i.e., when customers can internalize their expected cost of being “bumped”. We first consider the traditional setting in which compensation for bumped passengers is fixed and booking limits are the airline’s only form of control. We provide sufficient conditions under which demand endogeneity leads to lower overbooking limits in this case. We then consider the broader problem of joint control of ticket price, bumping compensation and booking limit. We show that price and compensation can act as substitutes, which reduces the general problem to a more tractable one-dimensional search for optimal overbooking compensation, and effectively allows the value of flying to be decoupled from the cost of being bumped. Finally, we extend our analysis to the case of auction-based compensation schemes, and demonstrate that these generally outperform fixed compensation schemes. Numerical experiments to gauge magnitudes suggests that fixed-compensation policies that account for demand endogeneity can significantly outperform those that do not, and that auction-based policies bring smaller but significant additional gains.


  • PhD-level courses
    • Wharton Math Camp, Summer 2018 (Instructor)
    • Wharton Math Camp, Summer 2017 (Instructor)
  • MBA-level courses
    • OIDD 643, Analytics for Revenue Management, Spring 2020 (Q4) (TA) (Scheduled)
    • OIDD 612, Business Analytics, Spring 2019 (Q3) (TA)
    • OIDD 612, Business Analytics, Spring 2018 (TA)
  • Undergraduate-level courses
    • MGMT 198, Managing Disruptive Change: Cryptocurrencies, Fall 2019 (Q2) (TA)
    • OIDD 101, Intro to Operations and Information Decisions, Spring 2017 (TA)