René Vidal

René Vidal
  • Rachleff and Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor
  • Director of the Center for Innovation in Data Engineering and Science (IDEAS)

Contact Information

  • office Address:

    Levine Hall 4th Floor
    University of Pennsylvania
    3330 Walnut Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228


Past Courses

  • AMCS5999 - Independent Study

    Independent Study allows students to pursue academic interests not available in regularly offered courses. Students must consult with their academic advisor to formulate a project directly related to the student’s research interests. All independent study courses are subject to the approval of the AMCS Graduate Group Chair.

  • AMCS9999 - Ind Study & Research

    Study under the direction of a faculty member.

  • CIS0099 - Ugrad Resrch/Ind Study

    An opportunity for the student to become closely associated with a professor (1) in a research effort to develop research skills and techniques and/or (2) to develop a program of independent in-depth study in a subject area in which the professor and student have a common interest. The challenge of the task undertaken must be consistent with the student's academic level. To register for this course, the student must submit a detailed proposal, signed by the independent study supervisor, to the SEAS Office of Academic Programs (111 Towne) no later than the end of the "add" period. Prerequisite: A maximum of 2 c.u. of CIS 0099 may be applied toward the B.A.S. or B.S.E. degree requirements.

  • CIS8990 - PhD Independent Study

    For doctoral students studying a specific advanced subject area in computer and information science. The Independent Study may involve coursework, presentations, and formally gradable work comparable to that in a CIS 5000 or 6000 level course. The Independent Study may also be used by doctoral students to explore research options with faculty, prior to determining a thesis topic. Students should discuss with the faculty supervisor the scope of the Independent Study, expectations, work involved, etc. The Independent Study should not be used for ongoing research towards a thesis, for which the CIS 9990 designation should be used.

  • CIS9990 - Thesis/Diss Research

    For students pursuing advanced research to fulfill PhD dissertation requirements.

  • ESE6450 - Deep Generative Models

    Generative models have found widespread applications in science and engineering. Recent progress in deep learning has enabled the application of generative models to complex high-dimensional data such as images, videos, text and speech. This course will cover state-of-the-art deep generative models, including variational autoencoders (VAEs), auto-regressive models, diffusion models, and generative adversarial networks (GANs). The course will also illustrate various applications of deep generative models to image and video generation, text and speech generation, image captioning, text-to-image generation, and inverse problems.

  • ESE6800 - Special Topcs in Ese

    Advanced and specialized topics in both theory and application areas. Students should check Graduate Group office for offerings during each registration period.

  • ESE9990 - Thesis/Diss Res

    For students working on an advanced research program leading to the completion of master's thesis or Ph.D. dissertation requirements.

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