Jeffrey F. Jaffe

Jeffrey F. Jaffe
  • Associate Professor Emeritus of Finance

Contact Information

  • office Address:

    2437 Steinberg-Dietrich Hall
    3620 Locust Walk
    Philadelphia, PA 19104

Links: CV



PhD, University of Chicago, 1972; MBA, University of Chicago, 1971; BA, University of Chicago, 1968

Career and Recent Professional Awards; Teaching Awards

Outstanding Professor Award, Evening School, 1990

Academic Positions Held

Wharton: 1973-present.

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  • Jeffrey F. Jaffe and Anup Agrawal (1995), Does Section 166 Deter Insider Trading by Target Managers?, Journal of Financial Economics, 39 (Oct./Nov. 1995). 10.1016/0304-405X(95)00833-Z Abstract

    This paper examines empirically whether the short-swing rule (Section 16b of the Securities Exchange Act) deters managers from trading before mergers. Since a merger forces the sale of the target’s outstanding equity, insider purchases within six months before the merger cannot escape this rule. We examine the 1941–1961 period when no other insider trading laws were enforced. Consistent with 16b’s deterrent effect, managers’ purchases drop significantly before the announcement. Before completion, the decrease occurs only in the 1941–1955 period. Surprisingly, pre-announcement sales do not decline, even though 16b cannot punish deferral of planned sales.

  • Jeffrey F. Jaffe, R. Westerfield, D. Keim (1989), Earnings Yields, Market Values and Stock Returns, Journal of Finance, 44.1 (March 1989). Abstract

    Earlier evidence concerning the relation between stock returns and the effects of size and earnings to price ratio (E/P) is not clear-cut. This paper re-examines these two effects with (a) a substantially longer sample period, 1951-1986, (b) data that are reasonably free of survivor biases, (c) both portfolio and seemingly unrelated regression tests, and (d) an emphasis on the important differences between January and other months. Over the entire period, the earnings yield effect is significant in both January and the other eleven months. Conversely, the size effect is significantly negative only in January. We also find evidence of consistently high returns for firms of all sizes with negative earnings.

  • Jeffrey F. Jaffe, Donald B. Keim, R. Westerfield (1989), Earnings Yields, Market Values, and Stock Returns, Journal of Finance.


Past Courses

  • FNCE1000 - Corporate Finance

    This course provides an introduction to the theory, the methods, and the concerns of corporate finance. The concepts developed in FNCE 1000 form the foundation for all elective finance courses. The main topics include: 1) the time value of money and capital budgeting techniques; 2) uncertainty and the trade-off between risk and return; 3) security market efficiency; 4) optimal capital structure, and 5) dividend policy decisions. ACCT 1010 + STAT 1010 may be taken concurrently.

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Latest Research

Jeffrey F. Jaffe and Anup Agrawal (1995), Does Section 166 Deter Insider Trading by Target Managers?, Journal of Financial Economics, 39 (Oct./Nov. 1995). 10.1016/0304-405X(95)00833-Z
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