John-Paul Lacovara

John-Paul Lacovara
  • Business Administrator

Contact Information

  • office Address:

    Philadelphia, PA 19104


Past Courses

  • VCSN6300 - LA Neonatology

    The objectives of this course are to: (1) Review foaling management, including what to expect when examining a normal late gestation mare, post foaling mare and newborn foal; (2) Introduce students to neonatal physiology and behavior as it applies to large animal neonates; (3) Acquaint students with the clinical signs and pathophysiologic mechanisms of diseases in neonates. The first part of the course will introduce the equine breeding industry and discuss normal farm practices, mare foaling and the normal newborn foal. Subsequent lectures will focus on neonatal diseases, intensive care therapies, periparturient problems, gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory problems, and musculoskeletal disorders. While the focus will be on equine neonatology, other large animal neonates and their major diseases will be discussed throughout. Seminars will be case-based discussions and linked to the lectures given during that week.

  • VCSP6460 - Small Animal Surgery/Anesth

    This course will explore selected topics of advanced soft tissue and orthopedic surgical procedures in dogs and cats. Topics will include oral surgery, thoracic and abdominal surgery, reconstructive surgery, minimally invasive surgery, joint surgery, fracture fixation, and veterinary rehabilitation. Practical laboratory sessions will reinforce lecture material. Students will perform gastrointestinal surgical procedures on models. Laboratories will be held where students will perform local anesthetic techniques and various orthopedic and soft tissue procedures on canine cadavers. Letter grades will be assigned, based on performance on post-laboratory assessments and a final exam. Minimum: none/Maximum Enrollment: 80. If a lottery is required, 4th year students will receive priority over 3rd year students. After class year, students will be prioritized by major, with SA majors receiving preference.

  • VCSP6510 - Practice Management

    This elective will provide foundational practice management knowledge that students will use as soon as they enter their clinical rotations and begin their first jobs or internships. Whether students plan on being a practice owner, a veterinary practice associate, or aspire to a position in academia or industry, they will learn concepts that will apply in all of those situations. Students should come away from taking this course with an optimistic view of their future in veterinary medicine as a professional and students should feel a stronger and more positive sense of the control they have over their future. The course includes 24 hours of lectures covering multiple topics pertaining to veterinary practice management. The course is suitable for students who might be interested in opening a veterinary practice or who want to understand veterinary practice management. To receive credit for this elective a student will need to submit a paper summarizing the course material and how they will utilize the course content in practice. Grading utilizes a traditional letter grade format.

  • VCSP6570 - Aquatic Animal Medicine

    The goal of this course is to give an introduction to aquatic animal medicine by providing students with information regarding the species and their care for pet, aquarium and aquaculture aquatic species. Water quality maintenance, clinical techniques, and common infectious and non-infectious diseases will be reviewed. This course is designed to cover NAVLE focused material as a review and it is designed to equip future aquatics veterinarians with clinically-relevant resources that will enable them to become practice ready after graduation.

  • VMED6050 - Nutrition

    Fundamental principles of nutrition are the background of recommendations for feeding various classes of animals. Types of foodstuffs and their nutrient composition are evaluated in relation to nutrient requirements, voluntary intake and food preferences of domestic species. Feeding programs for nutritional management of animal classes commonly encountered in veterinary medicine are discussed, and examples of clinical nutrition applications are presented.

  • VMED6080 - Poultry/Swine/Dairy Med

    This course will cover clinical problem solving for disease diagnosis, treatment and control. In addition, current topics of interest in food animal medicine will be discussed. These include food safety, regulatory medicine, environmental impact, welfare issues and opportunities for food animal veterinarians. Class time will be used for both lecture and discussion. All material for quizzes will be presented in class. The grade for the course will be based on weekly quizzes.

  • VMED6110 - Veterinary Med/Surg I

    Principles of diagnosis, including radiology, and medical and surgical management of infectious and noninfectious diseases of the head, neck and chest, including diseases of the oral structures, eye, ear, nose and throat, esophagus, lung, heart, pleura and chest wall. Course material is broken down in 4 sections covering ophthalmology, cardiology, diseases of the head and neck and non-cardiac intrathoracic diseases. An examination covering the lecture material is administered after each section.

  • VSUR6030 - Clinical Orthopedics

    This course presents the basic principles of orthopedic surgery and orthopedic disease. Course material includes small animal orthopedics, large animal orthopedics and orthopedic radiology. Laboratories include two radiograph reading sessions, one splint lab, and a lab pining and wiring plastic bones.


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